What to think about before a home extension…
So you’ve decided that adding a home extension to yor property as a way of adding both extra living space and increasing value. There are a few things to consider before calling in a builder, many of which will save you money and improve the finished product…
Home extension tips
- If you are making structural changes to add value, you should look at the current market price of your property as well as finding out its potential value following the changes.
- Consider whether a less radical change, such as knocking down or putting up partitioning walls, could create more value and space for less.
- Ask your network to recommend architects and builders, as a poor extension could mean you lose value on your property instead of increasing it. The National Federation of Builders can provide you with a list of registered builders in your area (WW Brown are on the list for Harborough!)
- When designing your extension, consider whether it will appeal to the average buyer’s taste – a modern extension on an old house might be ideal for you, but look odd to someone else.
- Think about what you’re extending – extra bathrooms, bedrooms, and extended kitchens are usually good investments. Loft extensions are also very popular, as bedrooms and en-suites can be added to give an extra level of privacy.
To find out more about getting an extension to your home, call WW Brown & Sons today on 01858 465353.